Body Back® Bootcamp with Fit4Mom

By FoCA (other events)

Saturday, June 9 2018 8:00 AM 9:00 AM EDT

Saturday June 9th, 8am-9am (rain date June 16th)
Body Back® Bootcamp with Fit4Mom

Open to ALL in the Philadelphia and Surrounding areas. 

Please meet at the Chester A. Arthur parking lot at 21st and Catharine St.
Cost is $20. All proceeds for this class will be donated to Friends of Chester Arthur (FoCA). To learn more about FoCA and how to get involved please visit
Please note this class is for adults only. 

What is Body Back®?

Body Back® is a results-based workout designed for the mama who wants her body back! Whether you just had your baby or your last child was born 20 years ago, this program will take your fitness to the next level, and, most importantly, help you unlock your personal possibilities within a powerful and motivating environment. Unlike our stroller-based classes, this is a moms-only fitness program -- a time for you to clear your head, target your fitness and wellness goals, and focus on becoming your best self!

Body Back® clients experience targeted high-intensity workouts, nutritional coaching and meal planning, ongoing fitness assessments, and structured support and inspiration -- a surefire combination for success. If you are a mom who is ready for a physical and mental transformation, who needs accountability, and who is ready to see results, then this is the right program for you!

Please note that Body Back® is NOT suitable for pregnant women. Workouts are held at a much higher intensity level and pace than Stroller Strides and Stroller Barre classes. Postpartum moms must receive official clearance from their physicians and should be at least 3 months after delivery.

Body Back's® 8 week summer session will begin in early July. For additional details and to register please contact the Fit4Mom team at [email protected]